Monday, April 4, 2016

My Spring Break Sonnet

I sit lying with no one to talk to.
I am sitting on couch trying not to sleep.
I sit in the silent house with nothing to do. 
I lie there head facing ceiling counting sheep. 
I am sitting here watching dog be cunning.
I am sitting here on the comfy couch sinking.
I sat there for hours thinking how stunning.
Im sitting here hands over face thinking. 
I sat on the comfy couch watching spongebob. 
We had went to the nail salon to get out nails.
I sat outside while we grilled corn on the cob.
My whole family had rode on a boat that sails. 
When kiddos get bored they rode on boars.
After falling off the boars they had soars.

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Last Goodbye!!!!!!
Over twenty years ago there was a little girl named Carrie. Her parents were the singers Miley Cyrus and Justin bieber. They had an 8 week Great Dane puppy. They lived in Hollywood in a two story mansion. One day her parents were fighting. The fight was meant for play at first, but then the fight got to the point where Carrie’s father pulled out a gun and shot her mother in the head. Carrie started crying and screaming and her father pulled out a knife and chased her around the house. She locked herself in her parents bedroom and called 911. She told them what happened. They told her to stay calm and stay in the room with the puppy and the door locked, and don’t let him in. They would be at the house in 10 minutes.

Once the police and ambulance arrived her mother wasn’t breathing. Carrie didn’t know til they told her. She dropped to her knees and started screaming and crying again. Her father was already gone they couldn’t find him anywhere. He had made a run for it. The cops told Carrie not to worry they would find him. But she would have to go live with her grandparents. She didn’t want to leave her mom. But she had no choice cause she was already gone. It was very hard for them to tell her this, but they had no choice.

Her grandparents had to come all the way from Los Angeles to pick her up and take her to her home. Although what she was thinking was home wasn’t in Los Angeles it was with her mother and father. She didn’t  understand how bad of a thing her father did. She still wanted to live with him. She threw a big fit when they told her she can’t live her father. She wanted to understand what happened but she couldn’t because she was only 6 years old.

It had been two weeks since Carrie’s mother died and her father ran away. She was doing good so far. She was getting ready for her first day of school when her grandpa came in her room and told her that she would be late to her first day of school. She asked him “why grandpa?” he answered her with a smile on his face. “because dear i am taking you to breakfast then i will take you to school.” She ran into his arms and gave him a big hug, and said thank you. He gave her 20 minutes to finish getting ready. She was ready within 10 minutes. When she came running down the stairs her grandpa laughed. “wow that was fast”. She just smiled and kissed her grandma on the forehead and ran out the door and got in the car. As she ran out the door she yelled COME ON GRANDPA. He laughed and kissed his wife and walked out the door. What Carrie didn’t know was that they were actually going to meet with a detective. If he had told her this she wouldn’t of wanted to come. When they got to the detective's office she asked. “ Grandpa this isn’t breakfast.” He answered “we had to make  a quick stop first.” “I am not talking to these people again until they find my papa.” “i know dear but you need to tell them what happened that day with your mama and papa.” “but grandpa that’s the thing i don’t remember or understand what happened.” He said “just let me do all the talking.” “okay grandpa.”

After the meeting Carrie’s grandpa dropped her off at school. She hoped it would be better then the meeting. It was actually a very good first day for Carrie. She made a new friend named Taylor. They became best friends. They would spend the weekends together at Taylor’s house. Taylor’s parents loved Carrie. Whenever she didn’t come over they would always ask Taylor. “where is Carrie?” Taylor would tell them she didn’t know. So they went to her house one day.

Carrie wasn’t there her grandma told them where she was. They didn’t know what had happened to Carrie’s mother. Her grandma invited them in for tea. As they were sitting down drinking their tea Taylor’s mom asked what had happened with Carrie’s mother and father. Her grandma told them about the fight between her parents, and how her father pulled out the gun and shot Carrie’s mom and then she told them about when Carrie started screaming and crying and her father chased her around the house with the knife. After hearing the full story Taylor started crying and asked where exactly is Carrie her grandma told them that she was meeting with the detective. Taylor asked if they could go and see her. Her mother said that they would just wait until Carrie gets home if that was okay with Carrie’s grandmother. She said that would be great. She also told how Carrie needed a friend everytime after she got done with her meeting. Taylor said that if it was okay then she would come over everyday that Carrie had a meeting and she would hang out with her until she had to go home. Her grandma said that would be amazing.

Three hours later Carrie arrived at home. You could see in her eyes that she had been crying. Taylor gave her a big hug. Carrie asked what she was doing there. She told her they were there to support her. Carrie told her thank you and they went to her room and did their nails and hair and listened to music and just laughed and had a good time. Carrie asked her grandma and Taylor’s parents if Taylor could spend the night. They all said yes. Carrie gave them all a big hug and said thank you. Her and Taylor went into the kitchen and made something to eat and went into her room and watched a movie. It was a scary movie. They were watching The Exorcism. 30 minutes into the movie they both fell asleep. Taylor’s parents had left two hours earlier. So Carrie’s grandma came into the room and tucked them both into bed. The next morning Taylor’s parents brought her some clean clothes and took them both to school.

No one at school knew what had happened to Carrie and her mother and father. She didn’t know if she wanted to tell them or not. She didn’t really wanna tell Taylor what had happened. It was to late though because her grandma had told her. Over the years Carrie started to understand what had happened. She was now 13 years old. Carrie started getting used to meeting with the detective and she was starting to talk more about what happened, but the only person at school who knew exactly what was going on was Carrie’s best friend Taylor. Somehow the kids at school found out. They were making fun of her and picking on her. Saying “Oh no daddy don’t kill mommy.” She just ignored it until one day there was an assembly about the whole thing. The principal pulled her aside and told her that it was time to stand up and tell her story. She thought it was a good idea but at the same time she was scared. The principal spoke first at the assembly. He explained what the assembly was about. When he was done he called Carrie up to the podium. She wasn’t ready to go up and tell her story but she needed to she had no choice. She swallowed her pride and got up on the podium.

She said “hello for those of you who don’t know me i am Carrie Underwood. I am up here today to tell you all my story. I am gonna start by saying i am from Hollywood. I lived there with my parents for over 6 years, but then one day something tragic happened that made me come live here. My parents fought a lot. One day they were fighting it started out as a play fight, but then my papa got to rough in the fight and pulled out a gun and shot my mama right in the head. I watched the whole thing not knowing what to do or think because of course i was only 6 years old when this happened. I screamed and cried. I dropped to my knees next to my mom’s side. My papa pulled out a knife and came over to me. He picked me up by my hair and showed me the knife. He told me that if i didn’t stop crying he would kill me too. I screamed and tried getting out of his grip. After 10 minutes of struggle and him staring at me putting the knife closer to me i finally got out of his grip and grabbed my puppy and ran into their room. I locked the door and grabbed my mom’s phone and dialed 911, but by the time they got there it was already too late. She was gone and my papa had ran away and hid somewhere and to this day we still don’t know where he is. Now i live with my grandparents. So stay strong and keep your head up if you have lost someone in your life that you dearly love. Thank you for listening.”

The auditorium was filled with applause for an hour straight. Carrie felt braver than ever before. She would go all over the country and tell her story. She hoped that everyone would listen. She hoped she would be known as the young girl who lived through the toughest time. As for her father they never found him. They would never find him. They hoped that he wouldn’t come back and go after Carrie. This is the end of Carries unbravness.

Thursday, January 7, 2016